
life it ain't real funky Unless it's got that pop Dig it

What’s the coolest item you’ve found at a garage sale, flea market, etc?  there is a chair in my living room that came from a FB local-sale site. It cost $50, was practically brand-new, and suits me perfectly. I got lucky with this one.
oatmeal raisin
Describe how your day went yesterday: got up very early for a Saturday. Did 2 weeks' worth of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and made oatmeal raisin cookies (from scratch). Pecked away at the 13 (oh lord) books of poetry I've checked out from the library which are due stupidly soon. Cleaned the bathroom. Tidied up my office. Watered the plants and trimmed some dead bits. Cleaned an area in the basement that is kicking my ass and resisting all attempts to be truly organized. Texted with the cop. Showered. Watched a movie. Had a 6-hour conversation that seemed far too short. Slept 6 or so hours. And voila.
Do you have issues with people entering your personal space? What do you do when your personal space is violated?  my boundaries are vast and rigid, and I'm pretty uncomfortable about having them breached. I am not shy about physically removing myself from people who are unaware or unwilling to respect my space. 
    As with many people who are so firm about boundaries, though, I am probably excessive in welcoming certain others into my bubble. Sitting at Fluffy's feet with my head on her knee, sneak-hugging D (or being pinched, patted, or tweaked by him as he walks by), leaning on the shoulder of the college bff (or her hubby, or her kid), or simply climbing up and onto the cop for a hug—all of these are not only "acceptable" but very regular activities for me.
What is the one meal recipe you think you’ve mastered?  Puerto Rican chicken with olives
If you could take back something you did to someone, what would it be?  I was unfair to many.
What sort of kid were you in school: bookworm, smart kid, troublemaker, quiet … etc.?  I was a quiet bookworm, not quite "smart kid" but pretty close (graduated top 18%), band nerd, borderline "punk" at times—kind of pre-alternative, I guess?
Classic pro Skier
When’s the last time you ran a mile? How often do you exercise? 
I haven't run a mile since high school, if that. My physique is 'not given to running.' I exercise 5x per week, roughly 50 minutes at a shot. I am VERY excited to share that this coming Friday (if FedEx tracking can be believed), I will be the proud owner of a NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier. My home gym is getting raised a few notches! Having two machines (treadmill and this new one) will boost my workouts, and I am hoping that it will kick my renewed weight-loss and fitness plan into a higher gear.
What would you say to your 16-year-old self?  "You look, and are, so much better than you realize. Make the most of it, take loads of pictures of yourself and with your friends, and have fun!" I thought I was too skinny, too loud, too fat, too quiet, too weird-looking, too awkward, not right in all sorts of ways. I took lots of photographs but have almost none of myself.
What are you avoiding?  applying for jobs. Neverending!
Swear words: Are you pro or con? Why?  I curse liberally and fluently, but often wish that I did not. It is hardly a sign of intelligence or consideration. One of my good friends swears a great deal more than I do, though, so if anything I'm getting worse.
Paper or plastic? Do you prefer to pack your own groceries?  paper, generally—though I have actually gone to the grocery store (as opposed to ordering delivery) only once in the last four months or so
Do you have a shoe fetish? How often do you buy new shoes? Do you ever get rid of a pair of shoes?  I do not have a shoe fetish, though I love them dearly and like to acquire them more often than most people. I just like variety. I buy them as my budget allows, which is not terribly often given my expensive taste. My last acquisitions were three pairs of heels for the summer trips. I do get rid of shoes now and then, when they no longer suit my needs, when I need the space for new ones, or (sadly) when they are irreparably damaged.
Classical: If you were an Olympian god, what would you be known for?  my fascinating and unexpected combination of patience and drama (shrug)
Byzantine: Do you prefer gold or silver accessories?  sterling silver or white gold, not very much yellow
Medieval: Are you religious?  good lord, no
Gothic: What is your favourite historic building?  this town is full of 'em. At the moment, the one that comes to mind is this church, which happens to be where I was married once. Constructed from 1880-1882, it is a Romanesque Revival building designed by William H. Willcox.
Renaissance: Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt enlightened or changed?  in an artistic sense, my first visit to the Art Institute of Chicago blew my mind and kicked my ass. It felt like I'd never seen art before. I was humbled, thrilled, excited, and desperate to make my mark.
Baroque: Do you enjoy the finer things in life?  Hell, yeah. I like genuine jewelry, even if that means it has to be smaller and less. I prefer fresh mozzarella to the cardboard-tasting shredded stuff. I cannot stand cheap ink pens.
Rococo: Is your bedroom full of trinkets and pictures? If so, which pictures adorn your walls?  my bedroom is now "the water room"—all of the art in there is photographs of various bodies of water. Most were taken by me or people I know personally, with a couple of expensive exceptions. 
    Those water pictures save my soul.
Neoclassicism: If something came back into fashion, what do you hope it would be?  love letters
Romanticism: Do you often see things in a positive light?  more now than ever before. I am both more forgiving and more realistic: people are flawed and make mistakes.
Pre-Raphaelite: Which book would you like to see turned into a film?  The Girl She Used to Be/The Exceptions by David Cristofano
Impressionism: Do you look for details or take everything in at once?  my brain bounces around. It annoys me, but I've adapted. For instance, I go through reports at work from back to front: conclusion, then data, then methods and synopsis. I'm reading a stack of poetry books from the library all at once in a peculiar routine. It makes sense to me but would probably drive a lot of people bonkers. 
Art Nouveau: When were you last at the theatre?  the last time I was in a movie theater, I was on a date and we saw 1917. The last time I saw anything live was maybe three Christmas' ago when we went as a group from work to see The Nutcracker.
Pop Art: Do you enjoy pop culture?  yup. I read everyday fiction, watch increasing numbers of normal-people movies, and listen to a lot of mainstream music.
Contemporary: What did you do today?  I worked—both at home and at the office—and worked out, ate a couple of meals, and blogged. I also read, took a shower, and watched 3 episodes of The Simpsons. A full day!
[from here and here; the title quotation is by Prince, from "Pop Life"]

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