
people who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little

from 100 Self-Reflection Questions 
45. What did you say yes to in the last few months that you should have said no to? 
    purple hair
46. What do you find yourself complaining about the most? 
    static electricity, making my fur stand up
48. What do you love to do with your immediate family? 
50. What do you take for granted?    
    internet access, time to write, and fresh movies to watch
52. What do you worry about most?    
54. What does success look like to you? 
    not worrying about money or a job
55. What does your ideal/dream home look like? 
    lots of bookshelves and lots of windows. The rest is just details.
56. What does your ideal/dream life look like? 
    "don't get attached to the plan"
57. What encouragement would you give to your past self? 
    I read that as "...past elf," which is far more interesting. I would encourage my past elf to do more sneaky gift-giving with the intention of not being found out. There is such joy in it.
58. What good habits do you have? Which good habits would you like to adopt? 
    I drink lots of water and brush my teeth regularly. I'd like to be better about flossing and putting my shoes away.
59. What have been your biggest mistakes? What have you learned from them? 
    my biggest mistake is deeply personal. I did something that I should not have done, though if I hadn't done it then, the same result would have come at some other time. I can't take too much blame for it. What have I learned? That love is not enough.
60. What in your life aren’t you able to control? What can you do about that? 
    other peoples' feelings and actions, my own feelings, my health (to some extent), the weather... I can work on what I can affect and let go of what I can't.
63. What keeps you grounded? 
    friends who call me on the things I do
64. What makes you feel energized and refreshed? 
    having all the clean laundry put away
65. What makes you feel optimistic about the future? 
    positive balances in my accounts, the "days 'til spring" counter on FB, and new little sprouts on my plants
[from here; the title quotation is by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from Emile, or On Education {1762}]

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