
that his temper had a way of getting him in trouble and keeping him in trouble was also something he would have freely admitted

1. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?  Beyonce
 2. You seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy crap, a hundred bucks! How are you gonna spend it?  if not on bills ... I would put it toward a piece of furniture I've had an eye on for a while
 3. What is your favorite curse word?  fuck—obviously
 4. You can travel any time in the PAST. What time are you traveling to and what are you going to do when you get there?  Monday, October 12. I'm going to shut. the. fuck. up, think, take a breath, calm down, hug a cat, and be grateful for and happy with what I'm lucky to have.
 6. When did you last use your cell phone as a flashlight?  this afternoon, inside a closet
 7. On a scale from 1-10, how comfy are you being naked?  depends whether someone else is in the room, and the identity of that someone
 8. When did you last use food or drink to enhance your mood?  had a drink last night with the cop, though not specifically "to enhance our moods." We also had oatmeal raisin cookies, for what that's worth.
9. Give us a word that gets you excited:  adventure
 10. Now give us one that makes you squirm:  mayonnaise
 11. What word makes you smile?  man-crush
 1. Do you tend to have a guilty conscience?  nope
 2. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?  not for half a lifetime
 3. Peanut Butter - creamy or crunchy?  half and half
 4. Get up off your butt. Take 5 steps. Which leg did you start out on?  right. Not as much because I'm right-dominant as out of habit from six years of marching band. Once the cadence kicks in, the right foot moves on its own.
 5. What color is your favorite kitchen utensil? brown (wood)
6. Did you watch the Michael Jackson memorial/funeral?  God, no
 7. Do you know anyone who graduated from high school this year?  no
 8. White with black stripes or black with white stripes?  "black and white striped"
 9. If we were to call your 6th grade teacher, what would they say about you?  he would likely say, "Who?" He was not a touchy-feely guy.
 10. Can you draw a perfect circle?  no
 12. What does your sibling do for a living?  one is a machinist and the other is an engineer
 13. How many light switches and electrical outlets are in the room that you are in right now?  2 switches, 6 pairs of outlets
 15. Do you step on cracks in the sidewalk?  yes
 16. And the sheets on your bed look like....?  white oxford cloth
 17. What is something that everyone else has, but you don't?  patience? Headache-free days? Math skills? An adequate conscience?

[from here and here; the title quotation is by Stephen King, from Rose Madder]

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