
the most significant conversations of our lives occur in silence

from Ask me things 
What is your favorite color?  gray/blue
When was the last time you tried something new?  last night
When was the last time you cried?  upon hearing that a work friend had gotten the call that her son's heart transplant was a go
When was the last time you laughed?  yesterday
Does smiling make a person prettier?  it makes them look better somehow, whether prettier or more approachable or friendly. Whatever it is, it's a good thing.
If the color blue became odorous, what would it smell like?  the number 4
Cherries or strawberries?  strawberries
Do you prefer taking or giving gifts?  giving—but it's complicated
Favorite song?  at the moment, it's "We Were" by Keith Urban. It has some parallels to life.
Summarize your blog in 6 words:  "No Comments, no input on content"
Summarize your life in 10 words:  under-socialized, overextended, illusory, stressed, compressed, quiet, verbal, solitary, thoughtful, complex
What state do you live in? What time is it there?  Chaos - and it's time to get up and work out before I fall asleep on the couch
How many things in the room are the color green?  a highlighter and a blanket. And my shirt.
Do you like people who use big words?  I have to, since I am one
Which of these is more valuable: honesty or sympathy?  honesty. Sympathy is a syrup that serves no purpose and sometimes makes you gag.
If you were to go to Japan, what would be the first thing you would do?  visit any (appropriate) temples and shrines
When was the last time you read a good book?  I'm reading a couple right now, including Louise Glück's Vita Nova
When was the last time you took someone's advice?  D advises me regularly about work stuff and the job hunt, among other things.
Would you rather have really big feet or really small hands?  small hands
Tell us something good that happened today: I was up after 2:AM having a fantastic conversation with someone whose company I like very much
Do you love anyone? Who?  I do. The who doesn't matter nearly as much as the fact that love exists. 

 [from here; the title quotation is by Simon Van Booy, from Love Begins in Winter: Five Stories]

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