
trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you

from Good small talk questions
 36. Windows or Mac?  I use Windows for work and Mac for everything else
 37. When you’re buying a new phone, how do you pick the one you like?  spur of the moment, like many other relatively high-ticket items. I've decided on a blue iPhone 12 mini, so it's just a matter of time before I bite the bullet and get it.
38. How do you know the person you date?  we've known each other since we were practically just kids. I was friends with his sisters, and he and I met at their house. Neither of us ever forgot that moment.
 39. Do you ever go to any kind of live shows?  I love live theatre but it's been a while. Baseball is awesome, and golf tournaments are one of my secret joys.
40. Do you watch any regular TV shows?  no. I'm all-but-final-season on both Criminal Minds and Elementary, so I'll be buying those soon. The concept of "normal" TV watching does not interest me anymore.
 41. What’s one spot that someone you like should definitely visit?  Frankenmuth, in the Mitten. It is awkward, quirky, a little tacky, and fun.
42. Is there a phone app you really need that doesn’t exist?  it would be nice if a phone had a stud finder or a thermometer...
 44. What food do you like the most?  Italian is my go-to, at home anyway
45. What food do you like the least?  I haven't found anything Japanese that has thrilled me—but I will keep trying!
 46. Do you have a TV at home?  I have three TVs at home, which is beyond crazy for one person
47. Do you prefer comedies or dramas?  I like comedies but not if they're just stupid, so I probably end up watching more dramas
 48. How was the traffic today?  dreadful. The commute was ever so traumatic.
 49. What’s the absolute worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?  "Be patient"
50. You’re on death row; what’s your food of choice? Would you get stuffed or eat a light meal?  I really can't imagine, having killed someone for no justifiable reason, that what or how much I eat is going to be of too much interest to me. It seems like the murder I've committed, and my upcoming execution, would be of foremost concern.
 51. Do you ever feel like you’re in a movie?  no
 52. If you could turn into an animal for a week – provided that you’d survive – which one would you pick?  gazelle
53. Pizza or tacos?  I enjoy pizza pretty often, but good tacos are hard to resist
 54. What’s the first thing you’d do after winning the lottery?  take someone on a trip
55. What would you call your autobiography?  Why would I give the secret away now? You'll have to wait until the launch party like everyone else!
 56. If you had the power to create one thing perfectly, just as you imagined it, what would it be?  see #54, above
 58. An all-out war between cats and dogs: who wins and why?  cats—because they are cats, duh
59. What’s the silliest thing you’d do if you had unlimited money and resources?  schedule regular flower deliveries to a number of people, anonymously, to annoy them and drive them a little bit batty
61. How’d you feel if you couldn’t use your smartphone for a year?  anxious at first but eventually it would be no big deal. I've certainly survived without one before.
 62. How many five-year-olds could you fight at the same time?  not even one; the sticky would take me down
64. What should be different about holidays?  I think that one's birthday should always be a day off from work, for pay 
65. How do you take your eggs?  scrambled hard
68. Do you like being called by your name, or do you prefer nicknames?  I am a sucker for pet-names, known only to the people who share them and know the meaning behind them
[from here and adapted for my needs; the title quotation is by David Gemmell, from Fall of Kings]

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