
I want to get up early one more morning, at least. And go to my place with some coffee and wait. Just wait, to see what's going to happen

How long have you lived in your current residence? 
    I moved in on October 4th of last year
What changes have you made to it since you got there? 
    other than ripping a towel bar off the wall in the bathroom when I lost my balance taking off my socks for a shower, I haven't made any changes to the structure. My handyman is updating the bathrooms (down to the studs) but that was planned well before I bought the place. I would like to repaint, change a couple of light fixtures, add curtains to a couple of rooms, and it's totally good.
What surprised you about living in your place or in your neighborhood? 
    condo living suits me. I've been surprised by how much a skylight can brighten the place, even when it's snowing or the middle of the night. I've been surprised by the frequency of fire calls to the neighborhood (yikes!) but also how little I can hear from my space. And I've been surprised by how quickly I adapted to shooshing around in my socks on the hardwood floors.
If someone were considering moving in next door, what would you warn them about? 
    I watch a lot of movies, I rarely leave, and I don't much enjoy random neighborly conversations
If you have to move in the next 45 days, what are you definitely not taking with you? 
    I have been streamlining my 'things' for a few years now. Depending where I was moving, though, I might off-load more plants and furniture. Definitely some clothes. Kitchen stuff. Board games.
[from here; the title quotation is by Raymond Carver, from 'At Least']

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