
are you a body, a mind, a soul or something else or nothing?

Have you ever clicked on an ad on the side of your screen by accident?
    no, never. If I am tempted - and it's a big if - I will go directly to the website through a new tab. If there's one thing I learned at the last job, it's never, never, never click through.
When was the last time you were disappointed? 
Do you like the smell of rain?
    very much so. The strong scent of ozone is beautiful.
What was the last thing you took a picture of?
    a kitty
When you go to McDonald's, what drink do you usually get?
    Coke or a milkshake
What were you doing today at 2:15 in the afternoon?
    driving to the big city, next state over
What's the nickname of your home state?
    I was born in the land of lotsa lakes (though the state's department of natural resources' database lists 14,380 lakes, counting those that cross the Canadian border and not those primarily in another state).
What's the worst type of weather in your opinion?
    hot, blazing sun, with no breeze
Do you have a Kindle, Nook, iPad or none?
    yes, no, yes
Would you rather read or write?
    to choose would be impossible. I can't go a day without one or both.
When was the last time someone took a picture of you?
    a couple weeks ago, I had a new passport photo taken. It took 20 minutes and cost more than sixteen dollars. And sucked, which should go without saying. 
Growing up, did you see your cousins much?
    yes, in part because I have several and they all lived nearby, and in part because we made a point of visiting family here and there. That casual connection doesn't seem to happen anymore.
 Do you own a pair of slippers?
    ha, yes. At least one.
Name something that you hate about yourself:
    my sweet tooth is obsessive. I'm not in that mode all the time, but once I start I have a really hard time stopping.
Is your house currently hot, cold or just right?
    I am currently at a house with heated floors - it is absolutely perfect in here. My feet are not cold!
    My house, however, is probably pretty cold. I set the thermostat down before I left. Brrrrr
Is there a dead end road near where you live? 
    I live at a dead end (in a sense)
Do you roll your eyes often?
    far too often
Where was your first job?
    the local grocery store. I was maid-of-all-work in the bakery department. Worked there (the original store or the branch) for about 4 years.
Is life a party to you?
    in Prince's definition of the term, yes--parties weren't meant to last. I take that to mean that life is more like a boy/girl party when you're 13: loads of drama, some heartbreak, a little breathless wonder, flat pop and stale chips.
Who are you tired of seeing in the news a lot? 
Gul Ducat and Damar (ST DS9)
    Dr F, Nancy P, Mitch M, the previous administration, anyone whose last name rhymes with Cardassian... there are so many

How long have you had a blog?
    6609 days, or 18 years a month and 3 days, or 217 months and 3 days. Roughly.
Have you ever had to call and complain about a product you bought?
    I have, within the last month, returned a product that was not only defective but destructive. Beyond that, it happens rarely if ever.
Name something positive you love about yourself:
    I am widely read
[from here; the title quotation is from Shunya]

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