
the eyes of collectors who assess the size, the incredible size, of their collection

Remembering you and reviewing 
our structural love 
the past re-arises alive 
from its smothering dust. 
For memory which is only decadent 
in hands like a miser's 
loving the thing for its thingness, 
or in the eyes of collectors who assess 
the size, the incredible size, of their collection, 
can, in the living head, create and make 
new the sometimes appallingly ancient present 
and sting the sleeping thing 
to a sudden seeing. 
And just as a tree with all its leaves relaxed 
could shiver at the memory of wind 
or the still water of a pool recall 
its springing origin and rise and fall 
suddenly over the encircling basin's lip . . . 
so I, remembering from now to then 
can know and see and feel again as jewels 
must when held in a brilliant branch of sun. 
[P.K. Page {1916-2010} 'Love Poem', from Poetry (August 1945)]

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