
now loud, now low, now near and now remote

'Tis bitter-sweet on winter nights to note, 

Beside the palpitating fire reclined, 

The chimes, across the fogs, upon the wind. 

Now loud, now low, now near and now remote. 

What recollections on that music float! 

Blessed the bell that through the darkness blind 

Sends honest greetings, consolations kind. 

And solemn warnings from its lusty throat 

Tis like a wakeful soldier, - mine, alas! 

The soul-bell in me, can but give one cry, 

Like that, a wounded soldier - o'er whom pass 

Riders and horses, and around whom lie 

The dead and dying in a tangled mass - 

Utters, unable or to move or die. 
listen to it here 

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