
purple and white longings, both the simple and the intense

I just want plain love. 
With plain love they don't look at each other. 
Once found, like faith, 
there's an end to theologizing. 
Tough as old boots, plain love is scrawny, sex-mad, 
and has as many children as you can imagine. 
It makes up for not speaking by doing. 
It plants three-coloured kisses all around the house, 
purple and white longings, 
both the simple and the intense. 
Plain love is good because it doesn't grow old. 
It concentrates on the essential, what glitters in its eyes is what is: 
I am man you are woman. 
Plain love has no illusions, 
what it does have is hope: 
I want that plain love. 
[Adélia Prado {1935- } 'Plain love', from Poesias Reunidas]

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