
memory is a mirror that scandalously lies

Most daring Dare you have ever done? 
    two college friends and I rolled a giant, heavy cement and stone decorative garbage can holder into the river when we were very drunk. Two of us nearly fell in, and once it was done we were all stricken by the stupidity and pointlessness of the act, and cried. Example #2957 why I don't drink like that anymore.

When is the last time you did something you knew was wrong? 
    that hinges on the definition of "did" and "knew" and "wrong"...
What was on your mind most today? 
    convincing my roommate to STFU so I can concentrate
Have a best friend? 
If you were upset, who’ s the first person you would go to? 
    depends on the upset. I am blessed to have a few people that I can go to if something feels wrong.
Who were you last in a car with? 
    my parents, last Wednesday evening, when I drove to the restaurant where we had dinner
 When was the last time someone yelled at you? 
    about a week ago, I got it in the ear from someone at work (who shall be known as Mean Girl).

What have you done today, so far? 
    overslept, worked, and tried to settle the yowling beast. On a break, ordered groceries for pickup.
What did last weekend consist of? 
    cleaning, cooking, errands (driving!), puzzle, movies, football
What are you listening to? 
    blessed silence
Have you ever been called cute? 
    not for a very long time, except in a snarky way referring to my personality
Describe how you feel right now in one word: 
chonker! - chicken with rice
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? 
    never ever ever. Quite the opposite - I am a slowwww talker
Did you have fun yesterday? 
    Absolutely! I played with the little guy, texted with a few friends, got personal mail (!), ate some particularly good fruit, took some cool photographs of the local wildlife, and capped the day with an outstanding, much needed, massage
Do you like to cuddle? 
    yes, I do.
Do you think someone is thinking about you? 
    definitely. I just washed their kibble container and they are now staring bullets into my eyes, wanting it refilled immediately!
Are you stubborn? 
    it is one of my defining qualities

Is there a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend that you will never forget? 
    I am blessed and cursed with a terrific ability to remember, and almost no skill or luck at forgetting. It's a gift in many ways, and has served me well in my jobs. It is also a very hard thing, especially in personal relationships. There are loads and loads of "facts" that I'd prefer to lose, like a normal person.
    So, yeah—I have relationships that I will never forget.
How’s your heart? 
    physically, fine. My dr checked it in January and pronounced me "relatively heart-healthy".
Are you easily amused? 
    yes, though I'm not a big laugh-er in circumstances that others are. I laugh while reading, for instance, but not often when watching movies. In my text-speak, "LOL", "ha ha", and "I actually laughed out loud" mean different things.
Are you doing anything tonight? 
    I do something every night. Tonight, dinner plans were cancelled due to a death in my friend's family. Instead, after work I will pick up groceries and then make a nice dinner - chicken and rice with peas, yum - and read, with my companion.

Is your hair naturally straight? 
    it used to be. The older I get, though, the more wave it has. I am happy with the current style (blunt, just past shoulder-length) and color (brown, getting lighter as spring approaches).
What were you doing at ten last night? 
    reading, covered in a fuzzy tan blanket, with my furry friend warming my feet
Have you made someone happy today? 
    in my line of work, 'happy' is a stretch goal. The best I can say is that I'm not sure I've disappointed anyone yet.
Think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? 
    I think it's disgusting when needless distinctions are made between guys and girls for situations like this. It's as disgusting for a guy as it is for a girl, however you want to quantify that.
When you are home alone do you still close the door when you shower? 
[from here; the title quotation is by Julio Cortázar, from Around the Day in Eighty Worlds]

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