
is it its own keen pleasure or according to some the night's sorrow

If you have acquired a taste for happiness 
            it's very hard to do without 
so you try jollity for a while 
Song is one of the famous methods 
for continuing or entrenching happiness 
You may say
about sex
        is it its own 
keen pleasure or according to some 
            the night's sorrow 
Here is another example of ordinary joy 
it is prose     but uses whole days and nights 
    the gathering together of comrades 
    in bitter disagreement
    then resolution 
    followed by determined action 
Still     the face of life will change 
partly because of those miserable scratches it makes 
on its own aging surface 
in the risky busy labor of Repair the World 
after which
    for the unsated
    there will surely be 
talking all night     dances in schoolrooms and kitchens 
            and later 
of happiness
    the most famous of all 
Listen to it here

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