
miser’s hoard of joy and sin Stored up inside my memory

If I could only root within 
This miser’s hoard of joy and sin 
Stored up inside my memory; 
To view at leisure things forgot, 
To sort what was from what was not 
Inside this vast ephemery, 
Before the carapace of youth 
Had hardened into knowing truth 
And flattered every foe I fought; 
To search, with nothing left to prove, 
To excavate, at one remove, 
All that I felt, all that I thought; 
To bribe the guards of vanity 
And snap the mask of sanity 
From off my face. A sweet release! 
For but a week, for but one hour, 
To pacify, with all my power, 
The child within 
            —and make my peace. 
[Felix Dennis {1947-2014} 'The Child Within' from Love, of a Kind]

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