
I agree that whatever it is, it won't be like this

We were talking about death 
over the phone, speaking words into 
a mouthpiece, listening to them 
coming back into our ears. 
I was looking out across the back yard, 
taking in the curve of a tree 
and the tall grasses dead in the swamp. 
The light was early and golden. 
You did not tell me, but I knew 
that you could see — across the city 
from sixty stories up — the lakes 
and streets stretched out for miles. 
I agree that whatever it is, it won't be 
like this. I want to say I share your sense that 
there will be someone there to meet us. 
Yes, I suppose it's all we think about. 
[Joyce Sutphen {1949- } 'The One Constant Thing', from Modern Love & Other Myths]

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