
the sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets

What would you choose to be famous for? 
    selecting and editing a brilliant poetry anthology
If you have a webcam, are you ever paranoid people can see you? 
    not paranoid, just careful. I don't worry about my home computer but keep my work computer camera covered.
Do you find it difficult to sleep at night? Any reason(s) why?
    now and then, yes. Lately I've been feeling wired when I get in bed, tossing and turning until I finally get up and do something else for a while - even just to move to another room - and then settling back in to sleep, hard, through the alarm. 
    I think I'm spending too much time paying too much attention to my computer, iPad, TV, Kindle, phone, and everything else that flashes, beeps, and distracts.
 If you had to go on a game show, which would you choose? 
 What about if you had to go on a reality show?  Which would you choose then? 
    I just couldn't do it. Not that I'm so shy or don't play well with others, but that the whole concept is abhorrent to me.
Tell me about your favorite TV show: 
    my latest viewing obsession is Star Trek: The Next Generation. I've seen the entire series at least twice before, and some episodes significantly more. I like the characters (some more than others, naturally) and the combination of science fiction, science fact, drama, humor, irreverence, character development, and truly thoughtful attention to some weighty topics. The show makes me think, and I like to think.
Why were you last irritated? 
    this has been a long, rough week at work, culminating in not getting paid today (payday) because the accounting firm "forgot" to process payroll.
 What time did you get up this morning? 
 The last city you were in: Where was it and do you like it there? 
    depends what you consider a "city." The place where I live is one, though it hardly feels that way most of the time. I suppose it was the bigger city to the Southeast, where I see a couple of doctors. It's not my favorite place in the world, but certainly good enough in its way. I went to a movie there once... good memory.

[from here; the title quotation is by Sara Shepard, from Flawless]

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