
if a man does not have sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can get lost in the sauce

 Do you prefer a lot of ice in your drinks or just a little bit of ice? 
    I prefer no ice at all. Too many silver fillings! Brrr
 Which condiments do you use the most of? 
    ketchup, Italian dressing, raspberry jam
 Does war scare you? 
    not in an immediate sense, like "they're coming for me," but in the global sense, hell yes. WTF are we doing? Is there anyplace on this planet that is not all f'd up right now? Out of control weather, wildly fluctuating financial systems, rampant illness, wiener dog rodeo on what used to be sports channels, veganketolactose-free restaurants that don't serve actual food....
 Do you know any songs that are older than you are? 
    one. Maybe two.
 Are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? 
    depends on the friends—some people I know have Herpes and things!
 What season were you born in? 
 Have you ever spent over $100.00 on an article of clothing? What was it? 
    uhm, yes. There have been some shoes, and a blouse or two. And several dresses.
 Do you think you’re too hard on yourself sometimes? 
    of course, though I'm not as hard on me as someone else is. Huh.
 What pizza place do you usually order from? 
    I haven't ordered delivery since I moved into the new place. I'm a homemade, or garlic bread sled, fan.
 Have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? 
    many times. When I was in high school, it was a common thing to hang out down by the river at night, and when the tugboats and barges would go by, we girls would lift our shirts to flash and the guys would drop trou to moon.
    It's times like that when you realize just. how. slowly. tugs move, with barges attached, in a no-wake zone.

[from here; the title quotation is by Gucci Mane]

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