
rags of bliss clothe you and desolation has made you cautious

We are a matter of strangeness 
who was going to tell us 
that we have suffered so much 
But our memory does not burn 
and we no longer know how to die 
Memory of life, 
memory of days and life, 
knife that opens the world 
spreading some guts that I can't decipher. 
Memory of the afternoons and the light, 
you light up the look 
you are the implacable lookout, 
the severe compass, the prison witness 
that knots time in its dungeon. 
What are you looking for, memory, what are you looking for. 
You follow me like a hungry dog 
and you tend your pitying gaze at my feet; 
sniffing, pernicious, on the way 
the trace of the days that were, 
that they are no longer and that they never will be. 
The rags of bliss clothe you 
and desolation has made you cautious; 
memory of life, memory of days and life. 
[Guadalupe Grande {1965-2021} 'The Trail', from El Mundo—Poems of the Soul]

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