
it ain't no fun if the homies can't have none

 What would be your 'happily ever after'? 
    financial security; an ample supply of books and time to read them; not needing to wake to an alarm clock; health and fitness; and the sense that those I love, love me too
 When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? 
    I was recruited to give presentations about retirement benefits at my last job. Two colleagues and I planned the program and gave it, to various numbers of employees, over about one month's time. Some groups were small (5 people) and the largest was around a hundred. Though I received several compliments for it, the process was stressful. I was not worried about those people judging me—I was only judging myself.
 Who is the worst driver you know? How about the best driver? 
    one of my friends, with whom I go on shopping trips a couple times a year, is what I would call an "intentional" driver. She tries hard, and pretty much every move she makes is the result of conscious thought. Her lane changes and exits are more like "veering." God forbid you make eye contact while she's driving because she steers in the direction that she's looking. Yikes. 
    The best is another friend. Can, and does, do 10 things at the same time while driving. Is selectively vigilant about following laws. Brave, generous, considerate. Trustworthy.
 Are you shorter or taller than most of your friends? 
    taller than some, shorter than most
 Do you know anybody who was born on a holiday? 
    Chris was born on Christmas Eve, hence the name. Another was born on Easter. And I, of course, shared my birthday with the first day of school several times.
 What is one thing you really don’t like sharing? 
    I've been thinking about this for about 10 minutes and have come up with nothing. Not very hermit-y of me, hmm?
 Have you ever been hit on through text message?     
    absolutely! Some of my favorite memories are of just this very thing.
 What was the last junk food you ate? 
    seasoned pretzels
 Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? 
 What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? 
    a beer (probably Blue Moon), in a casino
[from here; the title quotation is by by Snoop Dogg]

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