
freedom of speech does not protect you from the consequences of saying stupid shit

1. Why did you sign up for writing your blog? 
    all the cool kids were doing it
2. Why did you choose your blog's name? What does it mean? 
    the name is a quote from a poet which, when I saw it, perfectly expressed my state of mind when I was starting the blog.
3. Do you ever had another blog? 
    yup, a couple of them. One is still in existence—it is devoted expressly to my love of poetry.
4. What do you do online when you're not on your blog? 
    sell on eBay, work on research projects, job search, plan future adventures, window shop... the list goes on 
5. How about when you're not on the computer? 
    read, write, solve jigsaw puzzles, watch movies, care for my plants... I have a whole life beyond the computer
6. What do you wish people who read your blog knew about you? 
    comments and other interactions make this gig worthwhile. My blog is set up to provide analytics about viewers, so I do know that someone is checking in, but feedback makes it by far more rewarding. My periodic disappearances are almost always the result of feeling like I'm pissing this into the wind.
8. What is your philosophy on your blog layout? 
    'lazy'. For the first several years I updated it regularly. I finally settled on a layout that is a decent balance between readable, attractive, and easy to use. It would take a lot to make me change it at this point.
9. Tell about your picture you use to represent you on your blog. 
    it's a baby picture of me. I have no interest in sharing what I really look like to anyone who doesn't already know me.
11. What features do you think your blog should have that it doesn't currently? 
    Blogger discontinued the "subscribe by email" function, which made life a lot easier. 
    I would like more user-friendly, intuitive formatting, particularly when posting photos.
12. What do you consider the 10 most "telling" interests that we would infer from what you blog? 
    •  writing
    •  reading
    •  watching movies
    •  traveling
    •  poetry
    •  eating
    •  walking
    •  photography
    •  plants
    •  migraine headache awareness
13. Do you have any unique interests that you have never shared before? Like what? 
    I have developed an interest in birds, albeit from a distance. Zero desire to own one (shudder) but feeding, watching, and listening to them is a new pleasure. Black birds/grackles notwithstanding.
14. The best thing about blogging is all of the friends that you make. Aside from those folks, do you think your blog has fans? 
     see #6, above. Without feedback, it is impossible to know what works, what doesn't, what reaches an audience, what is ignored....
15. What's your current obsession? What about it captures your imagination? 
    this is a modern phraseology of which I am not a fan. 'Obsession' is not a positive!
16. What are you glad you did but haven't really had a chance to post about? 
    my lists of "stuff to blog about" are seemingly endless. I have scraps of paper, sticky notes, phone and computer notes, and—worst of all—mental notes of topics to cover on the blog. Loads of them make no sense anymore, the context being lost over time.
    I would like to get back into writing about music, maybe a Top List of all time. And some book reviews.
17. How many people that first became a blog friend, have you met face to face? 
    a handful, years ago
18. What don't you talk about here, either because it's too personal or because you don't have the energy? 
    ha! If I'm not getting into it on the blog, then I'm not getting into it on the blog. 
19. What's a question that you'd love to answer? 
    I'd love to get more "interview" questions from my longtime friends. I've asked, many times, and some people just won't participate. I am endlessly fascinated by the things that my friends have asked me and would love to keep doing that.
20. Have you ever lost a blogging friendship and regretted it? 
    very much so. Every February 27th, I have that feeling.
21. Have you ever lost a blogging friendship and thought, “Was that overdue!” 
    absolutely. People change, and sometimes relationships will not/cannot keep up.
[from here; the title quotation is by Jim C. Hines]

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