
so hard she was still branded by it

I plunged into her troubled, roiling waters 
her fear of blows 
and brought her to the surface 
between water and sky 
At first she fought back, 
I gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 
in front of startled bystanders 
She spoke again, apologized for speaking 
She was shaken
Had I struck her? who had struck her once 
and what if it were a woman 
so hard she was still branded by it, 
survivor of what long-ago disaster? 
Golden words pour from her mouth 
She pulls herself together 
as I watch the transformation of her frightened face 
of her defensive shoulder 
of her wildly agitating hands 
She sinks again I seize her by the hair 
her green eyes shining, she speaks up full of life 
It's her rebirth I'm attending, seeing beneath her anxious face 
a countenance of light, redrawn 
by speech 
[Geneviève Pastre {1924-2012} 'I Plunged', trans. from the French by Jacqueline Lapidus]

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