
there's none so blind as those who will not listen

1. Favourite colour(s)? blue, gray 
2. Least favourite colour(s)? orange 
3. Do you wear glasses/contacts? pretty much every minute of the day. Glasses more often now than before.
4. Are you colorblind? not that I know of
5. What are you seeing right now? a Western movie that I will review in about a week, red buffalo check flannel PJ pants, and a cup of tea
6. Favourite band(s) or artist(s)? I've been in Sister Hazel mode lately
8. Favourite instrumental track(s)? just about anything by Rush
9. Favourite non-musical sound? the snores of someone I love
10. What are you hearing right now? furnace (it's cold & snowing) and Titans at Packers
11. Are you very sensitive to smell? very much so.
12. Favourite scent? lemon
13. Opinion on the smell of blown-out candles? feh
14. What does your shampoo smell like? sort of floral, but very mild
15. Do you like to wear perfume/cologne? probably as often as I wear makeup
16. Favourite fruit? peaches
17. Favourite non-alcoholic drink? Coke - the regular, full-fuel kind
18. Worst thing you’ve ever tasted? oh my! Well, it was probably something from a party at the University of Mitten. During my four years there, I went to so many whine-and-cheese nights featuring questionable exploratory foods.
19. Do you enjoy any unusual food combinations that others find unappealing? only one 'other'
20. What flavour gum do you usually chew? mint--but I'm trying to get out of the habit
21. Do you often rip/cut the tags off of your clothes? not often, just if they're scratchy or won't stay inside the clothes
22. Any specific textures that bother you? dry skin. Hand lotion is a must for me.
23. Do you have a high pain tolerance? obviously
24. Softest article of clothing that you own? a few years ago (the coldest winter we've had in a very long time) I received, as a gift, an off-white close-neck sweater. It is made of something so soft, I can't even describe it. The problem? It is ugly, unflattering, and causes the most incredible static. If I even get near it, my hair stands out around my head like Albert Einstein's. I almost never wear it.
25. Are you a good hugger? probably not
26. Do you ever feel like you have a sixth sense? In what way? I don't think so? I trust my instincts, but my relationship with them is not mystical.
27. Any prophetic dreams? only daydreams
28. Have you ever had your fortune told? no. I really don't want to know.
30. Have you witnessed any “miracles” or strange coincidences? all the damned time
[from here; the title quotation is by Neil Gaiman, from American Gods]

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