
to feel, feel against and long towards again

Such longing, such urging, such warmth towards, such force towards, so much ardor and desire; 
to touch, touch into, hold, hold against, to feel, feel against and long towards again, 
as though the longing, urge and warmth were ends in themselves, the
increase of themselves, 
the force towards, the ardor and desire, focused, increased, the incarnation of themselves. 
All this in the body of dream, all in the substance of dream; allure, attraction and need, 
the force so consumed and rapt in its need that dream might have
evolved it from itself, 
except the ardor urges always towards the other, towards you, and without you it decays, 
becomes vestige, reflex, the defensive attempt to surmount instinctual
qualms and misgivings. 
No qualms now, no misgivings; no hesitancy or qualifications in longing
towards you; 
no frightened wish to evolve ideals to usurp qualm, fear or misgiving, not
any longer. 
The longing towards you sure now, ungeneralized, certain, the urge now
towards you in yourself, 
your own form of nearness, the surface of desire multiplied in the need
that urges from you, 
your longing, your urging, the force and the warmth from you, the sure
ardor blazing in you. 

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