
Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen

What do you look forward to about being a parent?     I don't think I would have made a good parent. Kids perplex me. I've been told it would be different if it were my kid, but I'm not convinced.
When your parents get old, how do you plan on taking care of them?     I don't understand the question. You take care of people as they need care.
Do you think people are made for each other?     yes—but it's still an effort, and it still doesn't always work out
What is the most important lesson to teach a child?     math, clearly
Do you put as much effort and emphasis on inner beauty as outer beauty?     if anything, the opposite
What thought or object gets you through the day?     I'm not goal-oriented like this. No mantra or inviolable motto. Life just flows, and you either go with it or fight all the time.
What do you look for in a friendship?     tolerance, patience, and good snacks
How should household chores be divided?     "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Describe your perfect vacation.     I'd like to take a month in Maine, near a good friend from the library world. She lives in an artsy town that is also right in the middle of some amazing natural beauty. I could spend some time with her, get to know her family, and also be by myself for a while. If this school thing actually happens, it might be a real possibility.
When, where, and how long was the best road trip you’ve ever taken?     a couple of years ago, I went with my then-boyfriend to a big city south of here, about 8 hours away. We stayed for almost a week. We each had our own stuff going on, work and hobbies and so on, and we came together for excursions and adventures, too. It was relaxing, fun, romantic, and eye-opening. It may have been the time that we were most in love, too. 
Are you terrified of anything fictional?     like zombies or the liberal media? no
Do you have any irrational fears?     my fears are all perfectly rational
Where would you go if you could teleport anywhere in the world?     someplace warm, quiet, and safe
What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?     
    1. go completely insane with Christmas presents
    2. tell a couple of former bosses where to shove it
    3. pay bills for some friends
    4. have my tattoos removed
    5. buy food
    6. have a massage at least once a week for the foreseeable future
    7. get a couch
    8. acquire an obscene number of books
    9. install good interior lighting at my parents' house. Or just buy them a new place - this time on the sunny side of town.
    10. hire a personal chef, a personal trainer, and an interior decorator
    11. plan some travel
    12. three words: laser. hair. removal.
    13. interestingly, I would still go back to school
[from here; the title quotation is by Karl Marx, from Critique of the Gotha Program]

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