
Len says one steady pull more ought to do it. He says the best way out is always through. And I agree to that, or in so far As that I can see no way out but through— Leastways for me

loans > murder
How are you pursuing your dreams right now?     going back to school qualifies, right?
What’s the next big step you need to take?     taking out an estimated $60k in loans to cover #1, above
If today was the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?     no, I would not likely bother having an annoying phone call with a home center about a gift card that they messed up earlier this week. That made me laugh.
If today was the last day of your life, who would you call and what would you tell them?     [redacted]
Who do you dream about?     I've been having nightmares lately, not about anyone I know, mostly that I'm being pursued in a hotel by someone who wants to kill me (violently). I'm not used to dreams like this and it's disrupting my sleep, big time.
What do you have trouble seeing clearly in your mind?     a financially secure future
only 88 days til spring!!
What are you looking forward to?     spring. It's the first day of winter today and we're looking down the tunnel toward what they called on tonight's weather forecast "a once-in-a-generation storm." I'm set to be hunkered down at home for the next couple of days, with sufficient (not ridiculous) food and other supplies, a little extra weatherproofing of the condo, and my phone staying charged.
What is the number one thing you want to accomplish before you die?     wholesale rejecting any and all Things To Do
When is love a weakness?     every time.
What has been the most terrifying moment of your life thus far?     a handful of moments pass through my mind, contenders for "most terrifying." I've been through some things, have lots of scars and some bad memories to show for it. There is less value, though, in rehashing the awful events than there is in recalling the pure fact of survival, recovery, bouncing back. 
Who is the strongest person you know?     Fluffy Knutson
If you could take a single photograph of your life, what would it look like?     a blur
Is the reward worth the risk?     yes, absolutely. Always!
[from here; the title quotation is by Robert Frost, from '9. A Servant to Servants' in North of Boston]

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