
some grow more perfect in their imperfection

As it rained, 
I stood in a grove 
my friends had formed 
in the trees, floor lined 
with shredded cedar, 
an old rocker set 
on an uneven stone. 
I didn't get wet. 
Ancient pine's boughs 
caught the rain and left 
just the sound of drops, 
the scent of wet juniper. 
Birds I couldn't name sang 
as I waited out the storm. 
Some grow more perfect 
in their imperfection. 
Storm-snapped top 
reveals the pale brown 
tree's meat, its irregular 
cracked interior now 
open to the sky. 
Though all of the branches 
above the break are withered, 
all of the branches 
below are radiant. 
Alive in a way 
they've never been before. 

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