
the reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man

At what point during the last five years have you felt lost and alone?     I suppose I'm there now, more than any point before.
giraffe boots, baby!!
yes, giraffe boots. Not made of giraffe, but styled to look thus.
What is one opportunity you believe you missed out on when you were younger?     wearing thigh-high giraffe boots (see this post...)
What do you want more of in your life?     intellectual stimulation
Who depends on you?     my parents, some friends
pay all the bills
What do you want less of in your life?     bills
Who has had the greatest impact on your life?     at the moment, I think it was my ex-husband. Not as much directly as the lasting impact of our marriage, the breakup, and our separate lives after.
Are you happy with where you are in your life? Why?     yes, though there's always room for change
In one year from today, how do you think your life will be different?     I will be more than halfway through my third graduate degree, with some inkling of where I want to work until retirement. I will be a year away from the devastating stuff that happened lately. And I will, by hook or by crook, be healthier.
Other than money, what else have you gained from your most recent job?     an appreciation for being left alone; a renewed sense that I am valuable to clients/customers if not to The Powers that Be; and a working knowledge of Zoom
In twenty years, what do you want to remember?     my own name, how to tie my shoes... and anything else that an elderly woman may have forgotten
What are you most excited about in your life right now – today?     starting school in a week!!
[from here; the title quotation is by George Bernard Shaw, from Man and Superman]

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