
there's small choice in rotten apples

What is your favorite game to play?     Tripoley
Were you nervous during your last first kiss?     not at all. Everything about that person felt fated, passionate, and troubling (in the best of ways).
When did you know you loved your last love?     that is too personal to share. Some secrets are not mine to tell.
Would you rather a night in a fancy penthouse suite or a private beach house?     either one is welcome, though given my fear of heights the beach house might be more amenable
Would you rather acquire material items or experiences?     experiences, hands down
Would you consider yourself a pessimist or an optimist?     let's say I'm in recovery from pessimism...
When were you the most disappointed in yourself?     when I was not able to follow through with something I'd agreed to do because I was afraid
What is the best way to motivate someone else?    depends on the someone, and what their trigger-points are. I, personally, am motivated by affection, loyalty, curiosity, and greed.
What is your greatest success to date?     in terms of traditional successes: passing the bar exam on the first try. In a more personal sense: following my own path. 
Do you consider your parents as friends?     yes, with limits. My parents, and the adults in my family, have never taken the "buddies" approach to raising children. They are approachable and interested without blurring the lines.
Do you think opposite genders can maintain a friendship without developing a love interest?     definitely, though it can require diligence for some people who are more about taking than they are about giving
What was your best birthday?     the most recent one was great
If you could only celebrate one holiday each year, what would it be?    it's Christmas. I love the lights, the gift-giving, the hugs, the food, the traditions. I even like the music (but don't tell anyone).
How do you handle high-stress situations?     by curling into a ball and hiding
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?     mind control might be fun
Do you think flying or mind reading is a more functional power?     mind reading, definitely.
Would you rather go back in time to see the dinosaurs or jump forward a thousand years to see our futuristic society?     meh. The present is complicated enough; why borrow trouble?
If you could make one book or movie a reality, which would you choose?     The Girl She Used to Be and The Exceptions, by David Cristofano. (If you've read them, then you understand.)
[from here; the title quotation is by William Shakespeare, from The Taming of the Shrew]

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