
you can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming

Are flowers a nice gift to give someone? 
    I would love to get flowers!
Do you wear any jewelry? 
    toe ring, one pair of earrings, occasionally a necklace. Sometimes a watch. Very rarely, a ring or bracelet.
Have you ever lain in a field of flowers? 
    no, but a high school boyfriend and I once tried to plot getting laid in a field of flowers. It didn't happen, but it's a lovely memory nonetheless.
Do you like tea? 
    yes! I'm getting back into it after a couple of years away. (It is less expensive than other forms of caffeine that I like.)
What would you do with a million dollars? 
    pay bills, turn up the heat, and give some gifts. And buy a boatload of stock while the market is so low.
What word do you have trouble saying? 
glass slippers
Favorite fairytale?
    Cinderella - because I like talking rodents and am enamored by fancy slippers
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?      
    no. I have a couple of stuffed animals with emotions attached, like my stuffed State of Oklahoma. I do not sleep with them. I think that adults who sleep with stuffed animals have attachment and maturity issues.
Do you prefer the city or the country? 
    country, if those are my only two choices
Are you a big fan of makeup? 
    nah. I have it, and can wear it, but prefer not to. 
Favorite drink? 
    I drink a lot of water
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve stayed awake? 
    probably around 36 hours
Have you ever traveled outside of your country? 
    nope, still haven't
80 days til spring!!
Do you like spring? 
    very much so. I would happily trade the cold weather that's coming this week for a nice, early spring!
Favorite album? 
Lipstick or gloss? 
Favorite color? 
    I've been drawn to pink lately, which is a new thing for me
Do you like to decorate? 
    I like to think about it, anyway. I may have come up with a plan for arranging my living room so that watching TV won't involve being blinded by sunlight - which would be an exciting change. Also have an idea for doing the master bedroom in a different way.
Do you ever go barefoot when you’re outside? 
    given the opportunity, I'd love to
Does you Zodiac sign fit your personality? 
Favorite sea animal? 
    uh, fish?
Are you a nice person? 
    I really can't be bothered right now. I'm in the mode of just trying to take care of myself. 
Favorite word? 
Night or day? 
    day. I cannot stand nights anymore.
What would make you happy right now? 
[from here; the title quotation is by Pablo Neruda]

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