
may your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view

Which app do you use the most on your phone?     besides messages and the phone itself, I suppose FB? Or possibly eBay.
mortal danger
Have you ever been in mortal danger?     yes
Do you cook often?     every day that I want to eat
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?     deep-fried alligator
What don’t you do enough of?     move
Do you get stage fright?     not exactly. I don't like public speaking, but it's not the worst thing in the world.
Do you often sympathize with the villain?     I often favor the villain - exciting, rule-breaking, powerful - over a boring hero or heroine.
Are there any websites that you visit daily?     yes, there are several. Email, eBay, usually FB, sometimes IG or YouTube. FlexJobs. Usually IMDB, and often the library's regular or e-book catalog. 
I'm broque
How was your first day of school?
     there shall be no first day of school for me this term. My funding blew up - not the school part, oddly, but the "living while going to school" aspect. Maybe summer term, or in the fall.
Have you ever gone on a diet?     for all the good it's done, yeah
When you were a kid, what did you look forward to about being an adult?     making all my own decisions (especially about buying cool jeans), driving anywhere I wanted to go, and most of all having a cool job.
    See where that got me?!
Do you ever risk eating dodgy-smelling food that you’re not 100% sure about?     no, I've got an extra powerful sense of smell so I wouldn't be able to get through that. Lately the odor of rancidity has assailed me and I've been unable to eat some things that have been left out for too long, such as softened butter or mixed nuts past their prime.
[from here; the title quotation is by Edward Abbey, from "Benedicto"] 

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