
a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once

What's the most ridiculous rule you've ever had to follow?     my high school has a large parking lot for students, and a couple of very small parking lots for faculty and staff. Throughout my time there, I parked my car in the student lot maybe 25 times, total. The rest of the time that I drove, I parked in the lot behind the music wing. In my last year, we were supposed to buy student "parking permits," which I never got around to doing. That was probably what made it possible to keep up with my nefarious practice, since the permits made it clear from a hundred feet away that a vehicle was a student's; no permit meant my car blended easily.
    I did it because it was a pain to carry all my crap from the car to the building, and the longer distance made it more pain. Procrastination and unavailability of spots also contributed. Thinking it was a stupid rule that only stupid people followed was probably the main reason, though. I never once got a ticket or a warning or towed, so was it really a "rule" anyway? 
Have you ever been on a Ferris wheel? What could you see from the top?     never, never, never. It would be impossible to surmount my fear of heights and nascent claustrophobia at the same time.
cherry pie for breakfast
If you had to eat dessert for breakfast, what would you have?
     that's easy: cherry pie. It reminds me of some of the best weekends of my life.
Easier said than done: what do you find easy in theory but difficult in practice?     reading only to the end of the current chapter before going to bed. It's a lifelong failing.
If your life depend on leaping across an eight-foot gap between high rooftops, would you attempt it?     God no. I could maybe do 5 feet at a run, but even that would be borderline impossible.
What would be the hardest thing about living in a lighthouse?     nothing. As long as there's internet access and Amazon delivery, I can't imagine anything better.
What pajamas did you love the most when you were younger?     a pair of light-blue fleece footies (no flap). I wore them until they were all fuzzed into pill-balls and so short that I couldn't stand to my full height.
[from 3000 Unique Questions about Me; the title quotation is by Ocean Vuong, from On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous]

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