
it is always the imagination that wins over the will, without exception

If you could "uninvent" one thing in the world so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose?
     Artificial Intelligence. It scares me on so many levels, and the implications are literally unimaginable. The damage that could be done to the financial system, infrastructure, law... even art and basic communication. I'm not digging a bunker to hide from it, but I'm also deeply disturbed by it.
If you could reverse one sports call in history, which one would it be?     it's not exactly this, but, the time out with no time outs that ended the 1993 NCAA championship game. It's always best for sports when a game, tournament, whatever, is won with action rather than a mistake of any kind. 
If you had to live the rest of your life in a place that you have never lived in before, where would you live?     northeastern Kansas. The weather is temperate, it's pretty, there's a lot to do, and the vibe suites me. I've never been unhappy there.
If you could have chosen your own first name, other than your current one, what would it be?     anything but the one I've got. I think it's cursed.
If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be?     Spanish. Beyond the facility of speaking with others, it would increase my earning power dramatically.
If you could give a single piece of advice to the automobile industry, what would you tell them?
     men and women are not the same size or shape, and building cars for men means that they are practically inaccessible to women. Ever try to get into a pickup made in the last decade, without a ladder? Or try to lift something out of the back of an SUV, that's not right near the tail? Or wash a windshield, without getting soaked and dirty? We end up making do, often very awkwardly, like lefties in a world built for right-handers.
If you could receive all the products from a single company for free (but could not resell them), which company would you choose?     Apple, of course. I've never purchased an Apple product on its first run, and more often than not am 3 or 4 versions behind the current model. It would be nice to have the most up-to-date camera technology and battery usage on one's phone, and to always use the lightest and fastest laptop.
[from If...Questions for the Game of Life; the title quotation is from Émile Coué]

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