
if you have a backup plan, then you've already admitted defeat

1 Should all city centers become traffic-free zones?
      for sure, not. While a swell idea for the environment - it would reduce some air pollution, noise, and unsafe conditions - the net result would not be so clearly positive. Consider disabled people. Consider the concentration of air pollution, noise, and unsafe conditions in a ring outside the city center. Consider emergency services, needing to get into that center. It's a hideous idea, when examined in any detail.
2 Which actor was (or would be) the best James Bond?
      was: Connery. Would be: Henry Cavill. He's got the right mix of dash, wit, and physicality.
3 What's your favorite font?
      Georgia for most things, and my favorite not-for-business font is called Andy (which is what I used for the header at the top of each page of the blog)
4 Would you keep a secret for one friend if it meant another could get into serious trouble? 
     while I'm tempted to say that it depends on the secret, the answer is actually yes. I cannot imagine breaking a promise in that way, trying to prioritize my own guess about one person's needs over another's. The key takeaway here is that if I make a promise, I keep it.
5 Do you have a special key chain? If so, where did you get it?
      somewhere in my house, there is a keychain of keychains, all gifts from friends over the years. I don't remember what all is on there except a bottle opener that Farmer E got in London, and maybe farm animals, from college BFF. It's way too heavy and bulky to carry around, so they remain as stationary objects.
6 What's your favorite Halloween candy?
       candy corn, mini Kit Kats, Life Savers
7 A box of puppies has been abandoned on your doorstep. What do you do? 
     that's easy: I would text my walking buddy to come get 'em. I have zero desire to play with puppies, or to deal with what other people plunk on my (relatively hard to find) doorstep.
[from 3000 Unique Questions about Me; the title quotation is from Henry Cavill, and reads in its entirety: "I like to go full bore into something. If you have a backup plan, then you've already admitted defeat."]

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