
but before I'll let that happen, I'll dance my life away

Coke float
1. What ingredients make the best ice cream float?
    vanilla ice cream, of course, and either root beer, Coke, or orange soda (preferably not the Crush kind because it's over-sweet). I had lots of root beer or Coke floats the year I worked at an ice cream parlor, but only rarely since then.
2. Have you ever been heartbroken? 
    yes. Maybe it's my own peculiar experience, but I would be skeptical of adults who say they have not been heartbroken. We don't go through exactly the same stuff, and we obviously don't respond the same way. However, rough patches appear in every life. Not feeling that, or not acknowledging it, seems to make it exponentially more rough in the long run.
bad communicator
3. What habit is the most annoying?
    modern communication has opened many more windows to keep in touch. Phone, text, email, chat, chat apps, direct messages in apps, social media, etc. That part is wonderful. The annoying part is when someone sends messages to other people, but does not respond to those sent to them. Communication is supposed to be a two-way street.
4. Can long-distance relationships work? 
    they can, but it adds a layer of complicated that can be difficult (and often impossible) to surmount. It takes extra effort, extra time, extra intention and attention, and a lot of people aren't built for that. Hell, a lot of people aren't capable of those parts of a normal, face-to-face relationship.
5. Which ravioli filling is your favorite? 
6. When did you last "party like it's 1999"? 
    on my 37th birthday, of which I recall a surprising and distressing amount. I got very drunk on free
tequila, said some things that were questionably appropriate, and was home & passed out before 10:PM. The following 36 hours were as sick as I've ever been as an adult, minus the ability to vomit (which I seem to have given up in the divorce? 'cause I haven't thrown up since I was married.)
7. Have you ever wished you were older? 
    only when I was too young to do whatever it was that I desired in the moment. I wanted to be five, to go to school. I wanted to be thirteen, to ride my bike "to town" (i.e. the seven miles through the valley and into the city proper). I wanted to be sixteen, to drive. I wanted to be eighteen, to go to college. I wanted to be 21, to drink. 
    Metaphorically, though, I wished I was older a few times during the last half-decade, while seriously involved with someone older than I am. The difference is only a few years, but to that other person it was momentous. I guess I wished that something could bridge some gaps.
 [from 3000 Unique Questions about Me; the title quotation is from "1999" by Prince]

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