1 How many credit cards do you have? How often do you use them?
I have 6 credit cards, all major, and one store card that's in the process of closing. I use one card for nearly everything because it earns such great (cash) rewards, and another as the main back-up in case the first is being balky. Two of the others have such a stupidly high interest rate that I keep them only for their value to my credit score; I use them each once or twice a year just to maintain the accounts. And one of them—which happens to be the card from my former employer—has extremely frustrating and stupid "anti-fraud" policies that render the card pointless; it's impossible to use it outside some fuzzy, undefined geographic area without first gaining permission from the bank. Since I really don't think to pre-approve my travel plans with them prior to heading out, I could just as well cut up the card. (However, for the same reason as the others, I make a charge or two a year to keep the credit alive.)
2 How often do you leisurely eat a meal with friends?
I go out with my walking buddy once every week or two. We lost our indoor walking space when the local "mall" was acquired by a school (yet another baffling development in a town that's increasingly heedless and weird), so we have to wait a few more months before we can go walking again. We seem to have settled into about a 10-day cycle, which is both fulfilling and low-pressure, for two people who need both of those. So far we've been to a Chinese place a couple of times, and two of the hometown pizza options.
My closest friend from the financial place is a big Mexican food fan. When our schedules allow, we meet for lunch every month or so, alternating between her favorite and my favorite restaurant. Her job is cyclical, though, and there are a couple times of year that are simply impossible to plan even for a 90-minute lunch. When we can make it happen, though, it is inevitably a high point of my week. We eat (duh), talk, laugh a lot, commiserate on the job situations (particularly hers, which is stressful and frustrating), gossip about current and former coworkers, and catch up on family life. We were good colleagues when we worked together, and have transitioned that to being closer friends since.
I used to go to dinner "once a quarter" with the woman whose family bought my former house. We also worked together (albeit at more of a distance) at the financial place. However, I realized I was doing all the work to suggest, plan, organize, remind, and then prod again, to make those events happen. She worked in an office and has a couple of kids, and told me that her life is "busier and more crazy" than mine. I also realized that the relationship, generally, was not reciprocal, when literally one day after we met for dinner, she announced a huge job change—and I found out because someone knew we'd had dinner together the night before, and wanted to commend me on not spilling the secret. Ha! Easy enough not to share a secret you were never told.
boots walking on very cold snow. It makes a squeak that is somewhat like the squeak of styrofoam (well, any "
4 What sound lulls you to sleep?
green noise or brown noise. White noise hits me wrong and makes me more alert.
As an aside, the word 'noise' starts to seem strange when typed several times in a row.
5 How often do you read the newspaper? Which sections do you turn to first?
I don't ever read a paid one, unless I'm VERY bored and someone else has acquired one. In that case, I will start with Sports.
For a while after I moved from the Flat, I continued my subscription to the big (north side) city paper. I would get it a day or two after publication. It was interesting, but eventually it made me feel more homesick than comforted. There's no sense in seeking that out.
There's a free local paper here, one that publishes twice each week. I tend to accumulate them and then flip through a stack of six or so at a time. In that one I work front to back, and only scan for familiar names or big local scandals.
Jennifer is undemonstrative, loving, funny, loyal, complicated, and more beautiful now than she was as a beautiful child.
7 What items do you currently have stored in the trunk of your car?
my "cold bag" (a fairly shoddy attempt at the things I'd need to survive in the cold if my car can't get me someplace warmer), a collapsible crate (to hold groceries upright, etc., which is incredibly handy and used all the time), and cords & cables (bungee, jumper)
[from The Complete Book of Questions : 1001 Conversation Starters for Any Occasion; the title quotation is by Jean Arp, from Arp on Arp: poems, essays, memories]