
Thursday Threesome 04/09/30

From the Cat!!! -
::Against All Odds::

Onesome- Against: Is there anything you are vehemently opposed to? Or just something that gets you up on your soapbox?
    There are tons of things to which I'm vehemently opposed! To wit...
  • unscrupulous use of the words "I love you"
  • cooked carrots (Oh, God! Oh, God!)
  • the phrase 'a whole nother'--the word there is "another," so if you have to say anything at all, say, "an entirely different" or "a completely different"
  • people driving 10+ mph below the speed limit
  • overuse of "whom" in place of "who"--if it sounds wrong, it probably is
  • self-tanner, poorly applied
  • action being ascribed to collective nouns, e.g. "this is the library calling; the book that you ordered has arrived...." If the library is actually placing the call, I'm going home, 'cause my work here is done.
  • mayonnaise
  • "very unique" or "the most unique"--unique is an ultimate condition, like pregnant or dead. One cannot get any "uniquer", just as one cannot get any "pregnanter" nor "deader."
  • Altoids, or any cinnamon candy (especially red-hots)
  • the current trend toward mumbling as an alternative to speech. "How are you?" "Eengh." Enunciate, doofus. That's why communication happens.
  • tighty-whiteys, and the apologies that are made for them
  • "Fine." No one ever says "fine" when they're actually "fine."

Twosome- All: Is there something that you have to give all or nothing to?
I give all or nothing to several things. Probably too many. Not least of which is writing. And music (heed my warning, Drew!!). And proving a point. And education, grad school be damned. And, in certain ways, my friends.

Threesome- Odds: Are you a gambler? What would you bet on and for how much?
    Hell, yes.
    Life's a gamble. My current state of mind doesn't allow for much caution, but I'm trying to mitigate the damages (dropping a few bucks at the arcade rather than mowing down civilians who might get Kerry elected--eh, JCL?)
    Specifically, though, I don't gamble. Those of us with addiction in our souls are best served by avoiding it.

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