

    I'm at work. Not working, but at the place anyway. That's fucked up, I know, but I'm bored and lonely and quite out of sorts. It's one of those days.
    Started a new book yesterday: Snowed In, by Christina Bartolomeo. She's the author of one of my all-time favorites, Cupid & Diana. I also loved her The Side of the Angels, which just came out in [trade] paperback.
    This weekend is the local autumn festival. Today kicked things off: the young ones were encouraged to start bringing their carved & decorated orange things to the courthouse, which is across the street (a main sort of street, even) from the library. I needed to get out of work right at 5:00 in order to get across town to see an apartment. I'd forgotten about the Great Gourd Drop-Off. I was stuck in traffic, in downtown hell, for far longer than should have been required even for this utterly amazing event. I somehow managed to keep my head in the face of such irritation, but only barely. [Whew]
    Unfortunately, the apartment's a dump. Actually, I was only looking at the outside of the building (a "drive-by," in the vernacular), as my appointment to see the unit itself is tomorrow morning. But it's in a crap part of town and it looks like I'd be afraid to walk in the dark from my car to the front door--a distance of about 10 feet. However, in the interest of fairness, and in case the interior is fucking outstanding, I will keep my appointment. (This is a 2 BR, renovated 2 years ago, no on-site laundry, 10 month lease.)
    I have a second appointment tomorrow afternoon at the current front-runner. A lower 1 BR, 3/4 BA, the rent is phenomenal and the utilities except phone and cable internet are budgeted and very low. It has laundry in the unit itself, and C/A. The owner with whom I spoke was incredibly friendly and sweet [although I realize how deceptive that can be]. I hope that the interior is as quiet as the neighborhood appears to be, and that the rooms are at least reasonably large and light. If it's half as good as it sounds, I'm going to beg for it.
    The third place that I'm strongly considering is exactly a block away from work. It also has the lowest rent, which makes it very appealing. It's a 1 BR upper, and the rent includes water & garbage pickup. The major drawbacks: the owner told me at least twice in a 5-minute conversation that it's small. That must mean it's very small, because for a guy to say something's small... well, you know; no on-site laundry; window A/C only (and he commented on the heat from the other units rising); it isn't available until mid-November (although that's because he's renovating.) However, there is off-street parking (albeit in the lot at the lawyer's office next door) and he doesn't require a security deposit per se, just the last month's rent. Nice guy, and considerably more interested in working with me once he heard that I work at the public library. Gotta love the implication that librarians are quiet & hardworking, eh? I wonder what he'd think of my 500+ CD collection?
    I'm in the midst of several projects at home. Not "home" projects, but stuff that I do when I'm not at work. A friend from work is dealing with the illness of a parent, and for no logical reason I decided to make beaded necklaces for her and her sisters. I cannot do anything literally constructive to change the situation for them, or to help in any real way, but I thought that giving them something small and sort of fun but not frivolous might brighten their day. Maybe it's my own ego, for wanting to help and ending up imposing myself into their lives. I don't know. How does anyone ever know if their motives are pure? I feel like an ass sometimes when what I'm doing might be altruistic and then might just be pathetic and transparent.
    So. Projects. I'm trying to figure out which of the CDs that are going to remain at the house that used to be mine I'll still want. Did that make sense? What I mean is, we've basically divided up the CDs between His and Mine. And of His, I might want to burn some of them. So I'm burning them a few at a time. Or just the songs that I like, and in that case just ripping them onto the laptop (which is bulging at the seams with photos and music).
    Ah, and I'm going through my clothes, slowly, and weeding out the stuff that doesn't fit anymore. I have lots of shirts that are waaaaaaay too big. Like, built for a guy who's about 6'3" and 210#. What the hell was I thinking?! I had lovely taste in huge men's shirts, but I'm not a huge man, you know? Hence the shopping this weekend with The Cat. I have a few ideas of what I'd like to get, but really more ideas of what not to buy. For instance, no Adult Garanimals--I've always had the tendency to, if I find something that I like, buy 1 of each color that looks even remotely decent on me. Because it means that I don't have to think or look any further. My J.Crew and Eddie Bauer linen shirts fall into this category. Damned nice shirts, but they're all the same damned shirt. I know that...now. Exceptions to this rule: Victoria's Secret ('cause I always need want more of everything there, and right now I do have a legitimate need for some things. A few things. About $150 worth. Give or take. Hee hee.) and J.Jill camisoles. There are other exceptions, like athletic shoes, Crane's stationery, and leather jackets. But I'm not shopping for those things this weekend. I don't think. Hee hee.
    Eeek, it's 7:35 and I need to get the hell out of here. I'm making chili tomorrow night for dinner and forgot half of the ingredients while desultorily wandering the aisles at Brown's last night, hoping to find inspiration not only for dinner. Sigh. So I'm off for V8, among other things, before heading back to the ranch. My goal is 4 necklaces tonight, or 3 and a bracelet, although the bracelet will be woven hemp and I've never done that before and I might be too sleepy for something completely new.
    So. That's the update. Anyone who's reading to whom I also owe email--very real apologies. Perhaps this weekend? And to anyone who might be peeking in the window--come join me [wink] or give me a call sometime and I'll tell you what I'm doing. And to anyone who doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about--is this surprising? I'm deliberately vague all the time!
    I'll be memeing my fingers to the bone tomorrow 'cause half the office is taking the afternoon off and I'll be tired and punchy. Look forward to it!

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