
Thursday Threesome #272

::Rolltop Desk::

Onesome: Roll-- On a roll lately? What have you been up to where things just keep falling into place (maybe you're a Red Sox fan)? Yeah, what's working (even if it's just the TV)?
    This is an interesting issue to ponder right now. I'm tempted to say that nothing's working, but that's not quite fair. I'll back off a tiny bit and say that nothing's working according to plan. Yes, K.R., I've been working on it, or at least thinking about it--the goal is this: Don't get attached to the plan. But it's difficult to think about something when you're in it. (That's a Bromelandism.)
    Am I writing in riddles, more than the usual? I'm sleepy and contemplative. Thinking about how much my life has changed in the last few months. How much my life's changed since I started keeping the blog, really. How much it's likely to change in the next couple of weeks. And months.
    So. Back to "on a roll." I guess I could say that I'm generally getting to work on time. That's something.

Twosome: Top-- Top of the world? What's the highest point you've ever been? No, the airliner doesn't count, I'm talking about standing somewhere {g}. Have you made it to the roof? ...the Eiffel Tower? Mt. McKinley? How high is high for you?
    Altitudinally, I've been to Denver, however briefly (it was a layover). For a longer period, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM. But if the point is distance from the earth and risking vertigo, then it's probably either Twins games at the Dome when $3 tickets were all I could afford, or a miserable trip to The House on the Rock [not to be confused with The Rock in the House] around age 9. Almost everything about that even scared the crap out of me, from the swinging wooden bridge that we walked in on, through the house (lots of mechanical toys--eeew), to the trees growing out of the walls, to the drive home through dark, windy roads in BFE Wisconsin. Unpleasant memory.

Threesome: Desk-- Hey, what type of setup do you have for your computer work? Are you working from a laptop while sitting on the couch? ...or maybe you have a high tech workstation/hutch combo with mood lighting and soothing music? No? How about the kitchen table? Where do you post and work from?
    I was disparaged once yesterday afternoon (by the Sleekster) and once this morning (by the Smelly One) for my computer setup at work. At the current crash pad, I usually write while sitting cross-legged on the couch, laptop literally on my legs. Or sometimes I'll lean against the headboard with it on a pillow in my lap. I'll occasionally use the desktop in the basement, but it's cold and I get inconsistent reception on the mobile down there.
    Sometime soon I'll be reunited with my Danish drawerless desk (sort of like this), covered with soothing but oddly disjointed items from my travels (see photos here and here). It'll improve my posture, and perhaps inspire greater levels of productivity.

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