
Not Exactly According to Plan

    Rather than shopping, I spent the day dealing with cats. Primarily my own (the ones that live at my former house), for whom I'm caring while their regular caregiver is at a conference. He'll return tomorrow afternoon. I'm taking the opportunity to pack some things for which I haven't had an immediate need, but that must be packed and moved eventually. My WWII and law books, for instance. High school yearbooks. My weird collections, e.g. Asian tiles, writing manuals, and teapots. The odds and ends of life. It's positive (a move forward, finally!) and depressing at once. Easier when he's not there, certainly, but it's always difficult to be in the house. Doesn't seem like mine anymore. I hadn't realized in a concrete way that I don't have a home until the friend with whom I'm living mentioned it to me in the midst of a conversation (in a very tender, completely concerned fashion). It makes that vague disconcerted feeling that I've had seem more reasonable.
     The other cat with whom I dealt today was a big larger and more temporary. He's nearly 6 feet tall, male, and territorial. He's the human equivalent of a cat marking his territory, and if he could, he'd be pissing all over the place where I'm staying right now. His presence made my absence impossible--or at least impractical.
     So I stayed, to keep the peace, and to keep an eye on things.
     It was a lovely day. Nearly 70 degrees, so I wandered about in shorts and a t-shirt. Slept quite late. Listened to music. Finally made those [raspberry] scones I've been wanting. Read a bit. Took a long shower. Talked on the phone with T for almost an hour, which was great. Contemplated changes to my resume (it's too long) in preparation for sending it out on Monday. It's time to update more than just that document.

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