
Thursday Threesome #275

Onesome: Lights!- What do you think of the trend to light up houses for *every* holiday? It used to be just Christmas and maybe Halloween, but lately the stores have been full of Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day lights. Oh, and Thanksgiving/Autumn and...
     There's a house that I pass on my way to work that *way* over-does the lighting-up for "holidays"--a casual poll of the 2 officemates gives an estimate of 200 lighted doodads in a yard the size of our office (which just ain't that big, y'all). It's horrific.
    Plastic just doesn't signify holiday to me. 

Twosome: Camera!- What's your preference? Digital or film, black and white or color, portraits, candids, or just whatever catches your eye?
     My preference is film. My finances dictate digital.
     My preference is B&W for portraits, color for everything else. However, my tendency is to forget the B&W the majority of the time.
     I aspire to formality and art (whatever that means--and you're willing to jump in here anytime, JCL), but my skill level and time commitment lag behind that ambition. 

Threesome: Action!- Do you have a favorite sport? Do you follow the local high school or college team, trek to the kids' games each weekend or are you all about the pros?
     I love, love, love golf--love to watch it on TV (professional, and male only--no LPGA, thanks), love to watch it in person, love to play it. I adore baseball (pro), in TV or in person. Not so much to play.
     The only non-pro sports in which I'm remotely interested are college football (I admit to a concern about whether the grad school Eagles will ever become a successful team) and a new one--college crew. Go Hawkeyes! ;)

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