
the relative size of my fishness increases

    A little over 11 years ago, I had made the decision (with help, of course) to come to this place. I was to start law school in just over 3 months, to finish in 3 years. About a month before graduation, I took a job that, while 'interesting,' I had no intention of keeping for any length of time. I planned to leave it in less than a year, in fact, after I'd taken--and passed--the bar exam.
    Tomorrow, one day shy of 8 years exactly from my first day on the job, I will be honored for my service to the organization. Several others will be honored at the same time, for their service of 5 years or more. One has been in her [part-time] position for 19 years.
    My feelings about this accomplishment are mixed. (My own honor, not the others'.) Should I be proud? Is it cheesy? Should I be ashamed for selling out, maintaining what is often an intellectually simple task/job when I know that I should do more? Should I be grateful for the opportunity for security, comfort, and flexibility to be the rather peculiar employee that I have become? Should I feel guilty for not doing more with the opportunity that I've had, within the job and outside of it? Should I feel compelled to make a change--again, within the job, or outside of it?
    Regardless, tomorrow I will be presented with a certificate of congratulations from the Board of Trustees. And on Wednesday, I will be honored, specifically but much more informally, for my 8 years of continuous service to the organization. Unexpected praise, for an unexpected accomplishment.

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