
thinking fast, albeit a little late

Think Fast Survey: answer with the first thing that pops into your head.
  1. My ex is still... married, as far as I know, though he's never told me so, specifically.
  2. I am listening to... my landlords and their employees smash the shit out of the building next door, which they own, with sledge hammers, after a couple of hours of poker and heavy drinking.
  3. Maybe I should... go join them. It sounds like more fun than a barrel of monkeys, given the frequency of my male landlord's chipmunkish laugh chattering across the parking lot.
  4. I love... K.
  5. My best friends... often don't quite get me, so why would I think anyone else should?
  6. I don't understand... why I've been such a complete slack-ass about dealing with the 2004 taxes or dividing the photographs. Just do it, already!
  7. I lost my respect for... a couple of people this week who I'd thought were raised better than they've behaved.
  8. The meaning of my screen name is... a long story. The gerb thing has been explained previously, ad nauseam; two of my email addresses are based on that. The name that I use here happens to be my own birth name. My most common email screen name is an SNLesque play on that. My work screen name is my first name and last initial. The other blogs are written under an assumed name which refers to perhaps the most necessary and sufficient attributes that define me as a person. Does that clarify things?
  9. Love is... messy. Wonderful. Irritating. Where I want to be. "An interesting haircut." Long walks without talking. Sticking around to talk, after.
  10. Somewhere, someone is...No, that's wrong. It's:
    Somewhere in the world tonight
    Two lovers are treating each other right
    Somewhere else in a lonely town
    One lover waits an endless hour
  11. I will always... wish I'd never had M-Care.
  12. Forever seems like... too far away to worry about. 'Now is the appointed hour.'
  13. I never ever want to lose... my sight.
  14. My mobile phone is... not as nice as my first one. Sometimes new technology just isn't an improvement on the old standard.
  15. When I wake up in the morning... I hope there's a gorgeous man standing next to my bed. Not bloody likely, but you never know.
  16. I get annoyed when... someone at work plays passive-aggressive games that involve me. Grow the fuck up already!
  17. Parties are... generally better in anticipation and/or retrospect than in execution.
  18. My pet..., the next time around, is likely to be a middle-sized dog named--if the other half wins this battle--"Santino" or "Yellow Dog."
  19. Kisses are... high on my emotional-nutritional pyramid, along with inside jokes, hugs, sunshine, laughing one's ass off at the unexplainable stuff, and "pointless" shoes.
  20. Today I... ate breakfast at Parkway, bought some stuff at Target, went for a walk, cried, talked, watched American Wedding, ate a Golden Cupcake, and now I'm writing this.
  21. I really want...it all to work out, somehow.

 [Originated with: The Survey Place, located via Sweet Memes]

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