
please cover this cover with a cover

    I've just returned from a few days in the old hometown. It's funny: my apartment smells like sweaters that have been stored over the summer. Sort of woolly. Don't ask me why. I'm burning some leftover berry candles to clear it up. It raises the question, though: does it always smell like this? Do I only notice it when I've been away? Or is it a smell that accumulates when I'm not here to...cause different smells to occur?
    Strange train of thought. Imagine: me, having such a thing.
    I'd meant to post this scan before I left. It's the cover of the new Mickey Spillane book. Another cover that struck me funny. The woman is somewhat...oddly proportioned. Her 'Obvious Glands' are clearly miles out of whack (I'm guessing B to DD?). Her leg seems to get bigger as it nears her foot, rather than the more standard other way around. It's really quite something. The covers for this series are often pretty far out there, but this is an outstanding example. Enjoy!
misshapen woman

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