

Phase the first: Dorkus Malorkus

Who is your favorite videogame character and what have they taught you?
This is pretty much outside my understanding. There's this Mac game that I used to love, and there were some amazing Demons, but it's been a very long time.
Do you now, or have you ever owned dice with more than 6 sides? I do not, and I never have.
Do you spend more than 4 hours a week playing a 'character' (WoW... Second Life... whaddeva)? Nope.
Have you ever turned down a date or amorous activity to play a videogame or RPG? Good God: no. WTF?

Phase the second: "Cheer up, emo kid!"

Do you take medication for any psychological problems?
No, but I take a psychotropic medicine for a non-psychological purpose.
Would you say you are happier or less happy than those around you? Those directly around me are probably happier than I am. Compared to my greater circle of friends, I'm average.
Do you favor dark colors in clothing? Yes, unless I'm wearing white. Hee. My color scheme is this: black, white, blue, red.

Phase the third: "teh sex"

Would you enjoy spending every night for a week in bed with a VERY attractive person of the sex you favor even having no sex whatsoever?
Rate yourself as a lover from 1-10. What a strange thought! While I could certainly give detailed ratings of anyone with whom I may or may not have been in a compromising position at any point, I don't think I'm qualified to rate myself. According to my theory of that sort of partnership, what I do or am is not about me.
What song would be the sound track to your sex life? "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"

Phase the fourth: "Violence"

Have you ever hit someone with a closed fist in anger?
Only my brother and sister, decades ago.
Have you ever been hit in anger with a closed fist? Only by my brother and sister. Decades ago.
What's the maddest you have ever been? Probably one of the times that Nick broke up with me. Either the day that I threw shoes and yelled epithets toward the door through which he'd just exited, or the day that I was so blindingly frustrated and angry that I slapped the wall in my bathroom and nearly broke my thumb.

Phase the fifth: "Happy"

What are the things that make you happiest?
Playing with kitties, watching the Cubs win, kissing, crispy bacon sandwiches, the love of my friends and family, driving fast, writing, taking a surprising photograph....
What is the happiest you have ever been? I can't say.
Are you happy this instant? At this instant, I am warm and dry and content. It's snowing those little Styrofoam pellets and the wind is blowing crazily; I'm watching the 500, which horrifies and shames me (is it friggin' genetic, or what?!); my thoughts keep straying to the law school; if all systems are 'go', I get to see The Cat tomorrow. Is that "happy"? I'm not sure that I know anymore.

[Thanks, Kitty Kitty.]

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