
either my age or my IQ

...a.k.a. "113", via The Cat:
  1. Smiling right now? Nope. I'm alone in the apartment, I'm polishing my toenails (OPI Siberian Nights), I'm washing the dishes, I'm listening to the iPod, I'm writing in my journal, and I'm trying to clean off my old phone so I can turn it in for credit. All at once. Not so much with the smiling.
  2. Did you ever date the last person you kissed? Yes, I did. For 2 1/2 years—or, as the crow flies, for maybe 8 months.
  3. What's irritating you right now? My own procrastination, the existence of a woman in an inconvenient place, and a spot of dry skin on my upper lip.
  4. When did you last eat pizza? Saturday afternoon, California Pizza Kitchen, with Matt.
  5. Do you drink beer? Yes, I do. Tonight, I have not.
  6. What do you want? A 12-pack of Molson Canadian and the only person on the planet with whom it would be appropriate to drink such a thing. Second choice: a big, big, big raise.
  7. Do you have any television obsessions? Yup. I've become a little freaky about NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Without a Trace.
  8. Last spoken words you heard? "Have a nice weekend!" from the receptionist in my dentist's office.
  9. When was the last time you cried? Sunday.
  10. Is your sister a slut? No, but she's a major pain in my ass. Close enough?
  11. Pepsi or Coke? Coke.
  12. What is your favorite sport? Baseball been bery, bery good to me.
  13. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? "Moderation in all things should be practiced sparingly." In other words: if a person is pierced and/or inked and is happy with it, then I enjoy it. If it is an affectation, then it is as irritating as teenage children wearing shoes that are too big and therefore scraping their soles along the floor. Or men who wear huge diving watches when they've never been underwater. Or women who wear heels that they can't walk on without wobbling.
  14. Do you enjoy Taco Bell or McDonald's? I like the Fiesta Platter from Taco Bell, though the one that I had (a couple of weeks ago?) was the first time I've eaten food from either place in probably a year or more.
  15. Are you restless? Very much so. In fact, I'm off to wash some dishes. Back in a flash.... Yup. Definitely restless.
  16. Is your computer a laptop? Yes.
  17. What is your favorite color? 330099
  18. What color is your hair? Not dirty squirrel - that's my eyebrow color. I'm going to call it maroongundy with blondemon highlights.
  19. Last inbox text message? "They're the same ones."
  20. Your response? "They look darker."
  21. Do you like anyone right now? Yes - the handsome, funny, stubborn, frustrating, delicious Ulysses.
  22. Who is in the room with you? Randy, Andy, and a couple of others whose names I cannot recall. (See below.)
  23. Randy is my oldest friend.Andy is the striped one to the extreme right.
  24. What are you wearing on your feet? OPI Siberian Nights and this toe ring.
  25. What are your favorite pairs of shoes? My cowboy boots.
  26. Who was the last person to say I love you? The last person to say "I love you" to me was Fluffy. The last person (besides her) to whom I said it was Nick.
  27. What was the last thing you ate? 2 hot dogs and a baby can of Dr. Pepper, for dinner.
  28. What is the closest item near you that is blue? To my left, a 5-part picture frame. To my right, the dots on the white tile beneath the vase of tulips.
  29. What instant messaging service do you use? Gmail or Yahoo.
  30. Who was at your house last? Matt, on Saturday.
  31. Which do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans, but I look better in skirts than in either of those.
  32. What is the last movie you watched? Probably Juno.
  33. What do you currently hear right now? "Wait for the answers to fall from the sky / The perfect beginning, but why does it end? / When will I learn to let someone in?" (from "Hopeless" by Sister Hazel [on Chasing Daylight]).
  34. Is it on the radio or computer? No. It's coming from my iPod, routed directly into my ear by the earbud.
  35. Where is your mom? Her home, in bed. She's got the flu.
  36. Where was your default picture taken? In the kitchen of our old house, from which my parents moved in 1996.
  37. Are you texting someone? Not at the moment.
  38. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Not so much, no.
  39. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? No. (Ah, oblivious irony - how I have come to rely upon thee!)
  40. Do you own something tie dyed? A Christmas ornament.
  41. Did you hurt yourself today? No. I let the hygienist do it for me.
  42. Do you want someone you can't have? In a matter of speaking, that's exactly it.
  43. Who makes you smile the most? The Cat & Fluffy.

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