
forty-six intrusive questions with borderline snarky answers

It was called "114."
  1. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? Yes.
  2. How long has it been since you last liked somebody? I met someone in November that I thought I liked. It turns out he's inherently unlikable. So I suppose it was August.
  3. Who was the last person to compliment you? Ulysses
  4. Does anything rhyme with your last name? No. My last name is orange.
  5. What is your favorite thing to order from Coldstone? I've never partaken of Coldstone. Ice cream is generally a good thing, though, so I'm sure I'd find something there to enjoy.
  6. Is anything stuck in your head? Yes, it is utterly unrepeatable. The answerable option: "Be Like That" by 3 Doors Down.
    If I could be like that,
    I would give anything
    Just to live one day
    in those shoes.
    If I could be like that, what would I do?
    What would I do?...
    Falling in -
    I feel I am falling into this again
  7. What's all you did today? WTF kind of grammar is that?! I woke up pretty early; ate breakfast and checked email and the blogs; realized that my head felt like crap and went back to bed for a brief nap; woke up 3.5 hours later feeling like I was from another planet; showered (during which I experienced an epiphany); ate lunch; went shopping (Kohls for steak knives which were out of stock, Office Max for jewel cases & canned air [also got a ream of paper and a clipboard]), Barnes & Noble for a journal to replace the broken one that Nick got for me for Christmas last year [also got the Feb./Mar. issue of Scientific American Mind, entirely thanks to the cover article {"Why We Kiss: Secrets that Lips Reveal"}], and Target for allergy medicine, hand lotion, Puffs, and baby cans of Coke.); got home in time to meet Sam for a couple of hours of conversation and a new shotglass!; back out shopping (grocery store for various necessities, Borders for Maroon 5's Songs about Jane (they had no Maroon 5 at all!, so I got Counting Crows' New Amsterdam: Live at Heineken Music Hall and The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni), Walgreens for filler paper and allergy medicine); home to send a zillion text messages in lieu of watching a movie and doodling in my journal; a fairly brief visit with the inexplicable, handsome, funny, stubborn, frustrating, delicious Ulysses; and now blogging to make myself tired.
  8. Do you often use the word "slut"? Only when necessary - it's not one of my favorites.
  9. Have you ever tried training a dog? No. I understand it's not easy.
  10. Who is the most physically attractive person on this planet? See Ulysses, #7, above.
  11. Do you regret anything you've done in the past 24 hours? OMGWTFBBQROFL - yup!
  12. Did you talk to anybody random today? Yes, indeedy. Had a longish, in-depth and hilarious conversation with someone I met this evening.
  13. What will you be doing in 24 hours? Sleeping!!!
  14. Do you have HDTV? Not yet. Matt's working me toward it, though. Maybe when we sell a few books....
  15. Where did you get your favorite pair of sunglasses? Sunglass Hut in Oakbrook, I think?
  16. What was the last thing you dressed up as for Halloween? My black cat.
  17. What is your current relationship status? Partly sunny.
  18. Write a brief statement saying anything you want to an anonymous person: Thank you for accepting my LinkedIn invitation; I promise that I won't deliberately embarrass either of us in that context, and I appreciate your show of trust (again!).
  19. Is anything currently frustrating you? Oh, fuck yeah.
  20. How do you deal with your haters? I usually get all lawyerly and condescending. Quietly, though, rather than pompously.
  21. Are the best things in life free? No. Nothing in life is free.
  22. Are your parents proud of your recent behavior? OMGWTFBBQROFL - if they only knew, they'd pack me into their trunk and I'd never get out of the Great White North again!
  23. Would you ever have a threesome with your friend and their bf/bf? Nope. The Cat says No. ;)
  24. Why do you like the person you like? Because our conversations always seem too short. And he has beautiful eyes. And life is too short to wait for someday.
  25. Do you know all the colors in the rainbow? Intimately.
  26. Are your shoes untied? I am not wearing shoes. However, I almost never untie shoes, so: no.
  27. Who would you really like to become better friends with? G, and the one you're all expecting to see in this space.
  28. Have you ever written a poem? Hee - yes. Just this morning, in fact!
  29. Who was in your car yesterday? Just me.
  30. Do you have a calendar in your room? There is a calendar in the alcove between the laundry closet and the bathroom. It serves the purpose.
  31. Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yes.
  32. Do you personally know anyone who has more than five tattoos? I'm sure I do, though I'm not aware of it.
  33. Do you prefer Jamba Juice or Starbucks? Jamba Juice is good for a warm day, though I think I've been there only twice? Starbucks is fucking annoying but their variety kicks ass; I almost always get tea or rootbeer. Honestly, if I'm buying drinkable fluid in a single-serving size, it's almost always bottled water or Coke. A machine is fine.
  34. What is your fondest high school memory? E stabbing me in the thigh with a fork.
  35. Do you sometimes have trouble believing in yourself? Anyone who answers "No" to this question is either a fucking liar or a condescending, deluded ass.
  36. Describe the outfit you are wearing: White Hanes ankle sox, absconded from Matt nearly four years ago (at least a size too big, with giant holes in the heels); teal and turquoise flannel PJ pants (see here for photograph); creamy EB camisole; Iowa Hawkeyes long-sleeved t-shirt; nerd glasses; ponytail, doubled over.
  37. What is the most romantic thing you've done for someone? God knows. Probably dressing like "Marilyn Monroe" (not literally but stylistically) for an undeniably unforgettable evening.
  38. Is anybody jealous of you? Prehaps. If not, she should be.
  39. Do you use the internet daily? Nearly.
  40. Could you imagine your life without your best friend? Not happily.
  41. Name something you dislike about the day you're having? It's 3:02 AM and I am awake. This is not good.
  42. Who was the last person to make you cry? Me. Before that, no doubt - Nick.
  43. Do you like change? Uh, sometimes? That's a strange question. Some change is good. Some change is hard. Some change just happens without being noted.
  44. What is your favorite snack? Today: mini Twix & Milky Way Caramel. (I've had a dozen.) Usually: toast.
  45. Do your boyfriends/girlfriends usually meet your parents? Uh, not. We're not really at that point in our relationship.
  46. You need a new outfit, where do you go first? It depends on the purpose of the outfit. Kohls, sometimes, or EB. I buy more and more at The Gap, which perplexes me.
[from The Cat]

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