
it's a pleasant thing to be young, and have ten toes

  • Pedicure last night: "Bronzed to Perfection." Sandals today [black, of course]. Yay, spring!
    OPI Bronzed to Perfection
  • The way that I understand it, there are parking rules, something like Urinal Rules. When I park in the last spot on the right, if it's an equal distance from the door of the establishment, you do not park next to me unless all other spots are taken. Why, why, why must people defy the parking rule?
  • It's that most blissful time, to which I've looked forward for so long, I can hardly remember when I didn't: my godawful Sprint mobile phone plan is ready to expire. I'm looking to switch mobile carriers, and will obviously also get a new phone. For those who are in the general area, between the city and the Cities: what do you have, what works, what doesn't, what would you never, ever use? Both carriers and phones. Respond by comment or email. Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.
[title quotation by Robert Louis Stevenson]

1 comment:

  1. We've had pretty good luck with AT&T and Cingular. I have a Lotus, Beast has a Crackberry. Both are nice.
