
courage is found in unlikely places

Five details about you...
  1. I almost never sleep less than ten hours each day on the weekends
  2. I read a lot, and fast
  3. I find most people perplexing
  4. I am thinking about acupuncture and wondering if my insurance covers it
  5. I love rain in ways that even I don't understand
Five details about your appearance right now...
  1. my hair is at least six inches shorter than it was a couple of weeks ago
  2. I'm wearing three shirts
  3. I don't remember the last time I wore actual 'makeup'
  4. my eyes seem to be gradually changing color over time
  5. my fingernails are growing long and strong; my guess is that it's all the regular meals I'm having
Five things you did today...
  1. watched the last two episodes of the first season of The Bridge
  2. ordered some "emergency" winter gear--gloves, a scarf, earmuffs--in preparation for this week's predicted nasty weather
  3. drank a lot of tea
  4. read
  5. organized my shoes, in order to put the summer set into storage
Five things you will do tomorrow...
  1. sleep
  2. bake scones
  3. read
  4. finish the summer shoe project
  5. drink a lot of tea
Five memorable things you did in the last year...
  1. moved household
  2. for all intents and purposes, cut ties with someone I've been involved with for six years
  3. attended a memorial service for a friend
  4. undertook a serious effort to change aspects of my existence that are not productive or healthy 
  5. acquired purple velvet shoes
Five favorite bands/artists...
  1. Alkaline Trio
  2. Josh Ritter
  3. Rush
  4. Incubus
  5. Shaggy
Five favorite movies...
  1. Henry Fool
  2. Hero
  3. The Big Bad Swim
  4. The Big Blue
  5. American Women
Five things that make you happy...
  1. photographs of water
  2. seeing people do something that they are good at and enjoy doing, even if it's not for me
  3. being moved to tears by the quality of writing in a book
  4. unexpectedly working on my own--the special solitude that comes from being alone when one had planned to be accompanied but is not
  5. warm socks on a cold night
Five things that disgust you...
  1. someone else's something in the bottom of a mutual sink. 
  2. under-cooked meat
  3. people who wait until a decision has been implemented before stating their objections. 
  4. fruit and chocolate together
  5. hearing excuses for petty stuff that drives me nuts. In all sincerity, the logical rationale that you're offering is never going to change my mind, and your stubborn insistence upon providing it only makes the desire to smash your face into the nearest hard surface even greater!
Five things that impress you...
  1. patience (within reason)
  2. tact (where combined with rationalism)
  3. juggling
  4. great poetry
  5. willingness to leap first and look later
[from The Cat {a much longer post that I divided into smaller ones}, who got it here; the title quotation is by J.R.R. Tolkien]

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