
I don't even remember their names

In every town and village, 
In every city square, 
In crowded places 
I searched the faces 
Hoping to find 
Someone to care. 
I read mysterious meanings 
In the distant stars, 
Then I went to schoolrooms 
And poolrooms 
And half-lighted cocktail bars. 
Braving dangers, 
Going with strangers, 
I don't even remember their names. 
I was quick and breezy 
And always easy 
Playing romantic games. 
I wined and dined a thousand exotic Joans and Janes 
In dusty halls, at debutante balls, 
On lonely country lanes. 
I fell in love forever, 
Twice every year or so. 
I wooed them sweetly, was theirs completely, 
But they always let me go. 
Saying bye now, no need to try now, 
You don't have the proper charms. 
Too sentimental and much too gentle 
I don't tremble in your arms. 
Then you rose into my life 
Like a promised sunrise. 
Brightening my days with the light in your eyes. 
I've never been so strong, 
Now I'm where I belong. 

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