
float with winds

Water in spring, 
It is another year, 
And you are still running after the breeze. 
May I have a look at 
My reflection again? 
Water replies gently with thanks: 
“My friend, 
I have never kept a reflection, 
Not even yours.” 
The four seasons slowly pass by—
Hundreds of flowers whisper to each other: 
“We are the small and weak! 
So, let our lives 
Be full of dreams 
And our drinking cups 
For God has already arranged all these!” 
Young People! 
You should be 
As still and sober as mountains, if 
You can’t float with winds, 
The flowing wind-like career 
Only belongs to the lives of poets. 
Do not grieve nature. 
The picture of “beauty” 
Needs to be painted lightly.              
In the slightly tiring 
Deep thought, 
The pigeon whistles 
Carried on the wind, 
Pierce the air for poems. 
Ice is as quiet as a mountain, 
But a mountain is as vivid as flowing water. 
How can the poet 
Manipulate them like this? 

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