
the passage of time will usually extract the venom of most things and render them harmless

First things first, did you have a good year? nothing I'd like repeated in its entirety anytime soon, but it was not exactly bad
How old did you turn this year? older than I once as, but younger than I'll be. That's not unusual.
Do you feel your age? some days. More often, I feel either much younger or a bit older.
Did your appearance change in anyway? I changed my hair style/color several times, and let two piercings close up. And at the moment I have a bacterial infection in both eyes so I'm resigned to foregoing contacts and wearing glasses for the interim.
If you traveled, where did you go? not so much traveling this year. In fact, that seems to be off the table completely. Maybe in a couple of years when I can afford to go on my own.
Which fashion trends did you love, or hate? the older one gets, the more one realizes that fashion for the 99% is essentially recycled. There is some reimagining in terms of fabrics and tech, and each generation is led to believe that they've somehow "invented" or revolutionized fashion.
Nike Dri-Fit Tempo running shorts
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible.
Nike Dri-Fit Tempo running shorts (this color is on my wishlist!)
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? I haven't gotten a brand-new album in years. Much of what passes for music is so far outside my comfort zone, I don't even bother. Yes, I realize this ages me. No, I don't care.
What was your favorite movie of the year? the following films that I watched in 2022 (certainly not those made this year) receiving my "most highly recommended" score..
    The Gold Rush
What song sums up this year for you? "On Your Mind" by Sister Hazel is the first that springs into my brain ...
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? I went through some library-borrowing rabbit holes, digging more deeply into the filmography of a few actors or directors. This is nothing new, since that's the way I follow my interests in all areas of life. Russell Crowe, Julia Ormond, Jason Statham, GĂ©rard Depardieu...
Leverage : Redemption
Favorite new TV show? I'm fully into Leverage : Redemption (freevee via Amazon Prime), and while I wait for more new episodes have been watching Almost Paradise (also freevee via Prime). I also watched all of the Law & Order : Criminal Intent series recently.
Which book series has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? I was rereading Nevada Barr's Anna Pigeon (National Parks mysteries) series until I clanked into the terrible Borderline, which is across the board one of the worst books I've ever read. I'm still firmly engrossed in Sherry Thomas' Lady Sherlock mystery series, too, and anxiously awaiting A Tempest at Sea (set for publication in March, 2023).
What food did you try for the first time? I tried Noom for weight loss, which resulted in trying several new foods over the last few months. While Noom was not successful (and a ripoff), I have added some healthier options to my repertoire as a result. I eat a lot more fruit and a few more veggies.
Did you make any big permanent changes this year?

does losing my job count? Not exactly a voluntary big change, but it's turned out to be positive in so many ways—most directly by getting me out of regular contact with the individual who led me to that job, but also in encouraging me to get the Hell out of the legal field. I applied, and was accepted, to the MLIS program at the iSchool of Syracuse University, starting in January 2023. I'm going back to school! 

What was one nice thing you did for someone else? I gave a couple of nice gifts
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? I spent a lot of time with a certain kitty
Did you develop a new obsession? trying to have fewer of those, not finding more!
Did you vote? of course
Did you move? not since last year around this time
Did you get a job? uh, no
Did you get a pet? not that either. Sheesh.
[from here and divided; the title quotation is by Haruki Murakami, from The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle]

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